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The Afternoon Meal by Luis Meléndez, still life with dark background

The transportive work of Vincent van Gogh has transposed us through the limits of time and into an era where Impressionist paintings were a...

In Full Sunlight by James Tissot, garden in London with artists’ companions

The transportive work of Vincent van Gogh has transposed us through the limits of time and into an era where Impressionist paintings were a...

Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C. and its exhibitions

The transportive work of Vincent van Gogh has transposed us through the limits of time and into an era where Impressionist paintings were a...

Charles-François Daubigny, life, works, and inspiration

The transportive work of Vincent van Gogh has transposed us through the limits of time and into an era where Impressionist paintings were a...

Portrait: Lady Maria Conyngham by Sir Thomas Lawrence, canvas

The transportive work of Vincent van Gogh has transposed us through the limits of time and into an era where Impressionist paintings were a...
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La Mariposa Azul

“Dicen que en la ciudad de los sueños no hay ningún lugar para descansar de verdad. Donde todo es luz, diversión y cálidos besos. Pan, uvas y miel, dulces de azúcar y yemas, leche de almendras y zumo de melocotón.”

Basket of Flowers by Jan Brueghel the Younger, still life painting

The transportive work of Vincent van Gogh has transposed us through the limits of time and into an era where Impressionist paintings were a...

Countess Alexander Nikolaevitch Lamsdorff by Franz Xaver Winterhalter

The transportive work of Vincent van Gogh has transposed us through the limits of time and into an era where Impressionist paintings were a...
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