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Personas Mentirosas: Comprendiendo Su Actitud


La mentira es un comportamiento problemático que puede tener un impacto significativo en las relaciones interpersonales y la confianza. Las personas mentirosas pueden tener diferentes actitudes y motivaciones detrás de su comportamiento engañoso.

Algunas características y actitudes de una persona mentirosa

La actitud de una persona mentirosa conlleva ciertos patrones: 

  1. Engaño como mecanismo de defensa: Algunas personas recurren a la mentira como una forma de protegerse a sí mismas o de evitar enfrentar situaciones difíciles. Pueden sentir que la verdad los pondría en peligro, por lo que recurren a la mentira como una manera de mantenerse seguros.
  2. Búsqueda de beneficios personales: En algunos casos, las personas mentirosas pueden tener una actitud egoísta y manipuladora, utilizando la mentira como una herramienta para obtener ventajas o beneficios a expensas de los demás. Buscan obtener recompensas o evitar consecuencias negativas.
  3. Baja autoestima o inseguridad: Algunas personas mentirosas pueden tener una baja autoestima o sentir inseguridad acerca de sí mismas. Recurren a la mentira para construir una imagen o una narrativa más favorable, buscando mejorar su autoimagen o impresionar a los demás.
  4. Patrón de comportamiento aprendido: En algunos casos, las personas pueden haber desarrollado un patrón de mentira como resultado de experiencias pasadas o influencias negativas en su entorno. Pueden haber aprendido que la mentira es una forma efectiva de evitar problemas o conseguir lo que desean.

Abordaje y Ayuda Efectiva para las Personas Mentirosas

Es importante abordar y ayudar a este tipo de personas de manera compasiva y efectiva. Aquí hay algunas estrategias que pueden ser de utilidad:

  1. Fomentar un ambiente seguro y de confianza: Crea un entorno en el que la persona se sienta segura para expresarse sin temor a juicios o castigos. La confianza y la apertura son fundamentales para facilitar el cambio.
  2. Practicar la empatía y la comprensión: Intenta comprender las motivaciones y las experiencias escondidas de la persona mentirosa. La empatía puede ayudar a establecer una conexión más profunda y a abordar las causas subyacentes de la mentira.
  3. Comunicación asertiva y directa: Establece límites claros y comunica tus expectativas de honestidad de manera asertiva. Alentar a la persona a enfrentar las situaciones difíciles de frente en lugar de recurrir a la mentira.
  4. Ayuda profesional: En casos más complejos o cuando la mentira compulsiva es un patrón arraigado, buscar la ayuda de un profesional de la salud mental, como un psicólogo o terapeuta, puede ser beneficioso. La terapia puede proporcionar un espacio seguro para abordar las causas subyacentes y desarrollar estrategias de cambio.
  5. Reforzamiento positivo y apoyo: Reconoce y refuerza los comportamientos honestos y positivos. Proporciona apoyo emocional y alienta a la persona a buscar alternativas saludables para enfrentar los desafíos y resolver los problemas.

La actitud de las personas mentirosas puede estar influenciada por diferentes factores, como mecanismos de defensa, búsqueda de beneficios personales, baja autoestima o aprendizaje pasado. Al abordar y ayudar a estas personas de manera compasiva y efectiva, podemos promover cambios positivos y fomentar una mayor honestidad en las relaciones interpersonales. La empatía, la comunicación asertiva, la ayuda profesional y el apoyo son fundamentales para brindarles el apoyo necesario y facilitar su crecimiento y cambio.

Las mentiras que decimos a otras personas no son nada comparadas con las mentiras que nos decimos a nosotros mismos.

Preguntas frecuentes

Algunas personas mentirosas pueden haber desarrollado esta conducta como una forma de protegerse, evitar consecuencias negativas o aumentar su imagen ante los demás. También podría ser un patrón aprendido de situaciones del pasado.

Sí, en algunos casos, la mentira compulsiva puede estar asociada con trastornos como el trastorno de personalidad narcisista o el trastorno facticio. Además, la mentira patológica puede ser un síntoma de otros problemas de salud mental, como la ansiedad o la baja autoestima. Sin embargo, es importante recordar que no todas las personas mentirosas padecen trastornos psicológicos.

¿Cuál es el punto de ser bonita por fuera cuando estas tan podrida por dentro?


Características del mentiros@

Una de las causas y a la vez síntoma de las personas que mienten es la baja autoestima, la necesidad de reflejar una realidad que les haga parecer más interesantes y ser aceptados. La sintomatología ansiosa es parte del mentiroso, debido a la comparación de la realidad y el estrés que genera contar algo y tener miedo a ser descubierto.
Además, suelen tener dificultades sociales debido a la pérdida de credibilidad. Al contrario de lo esperado, aparece en ellos una tendencia a mentir de forma duradera, no como situación aislada o presión social, sino como una característica de personalidad. Importante destacar cómo algunos trastornos de personalidad, como la personalidad histriónica, narcisista, límite, sociópata, inmadurez y el síndrome de Münchausen, comparten (aunque de distintas maneras) rasgos de la mentira patológica. Cabe mencionar que una persona con esta sintomatología no indica que vaya a presentar un trastorno de personalidad.

El trato con la mentira

El tratamiento a través de terapias, de manera resumida, consistiría en fortalecer la autoestima de la persona, mejorar las habilidades sociales y la resolución de conflictos. La persona tiene que sentirse satisfecha con su realidad y consigo misma. Que sea consciente de los problemas que genera su conducta, además de poder eliminar pensamientos negativos, utilizar técnicas de modificación de conducta orientadas a la conciencia de la mentira, e identificar signos y mecanismos para sobrellevar la vida sin la necesidad de mentir.

Mentira patológica y adicción: parecidos razonables

En muchos sentidos la mitomanía o mentira patológica se asemeja a un comportamiento adictivo. Se podría considerar también un trastorno de falta de control de impulsos. Algunos de los síntomas en común con las adicciones que tratamos en nuestra clínica de desintoxicación son: altos niveles de ansiedad cuando se encuentra ante situaciones propicias para mentir; pensamientos recurrentes que incitan a la persona a mentir; imposibilidad de resistir el impulso de engañar; relajación y cierto grado de satisfacción al no ser descubierto tras sus mentiras. Si comparamos estos síntomas con los trastornos adictivos, encontramos más de una semejanza.

Cuando un mentiroso compulsivo miente, no tiene porqué haber una razón para ello, es como si sintieran reales cosas que no lo son, o se creyesen sus propias mentiras y las viesen como realidades. Se podría decir que un mentiroso compulsivo se da en personas que han normalizado la mentira y les resulta más fácil mentir que decir la verdad, creando así su propia realidad en la cual obtienen un beneficio, evitando ser dañados por la verdad, que para ellos duele.

Desgraciadamente, todos en algún momento de nuestras vidas nos hemos enfrentado a gente falsa, hipócrita, envidiosa y desleal que nos han jugado malas pasadas.

Coincidir con gente tóxica es inevitable, pero sí que es posible detectar a estas malas personas para gestionar sus comportamientos y no salir malparados.

The spectacle of urban life through the works of Camille Pissarro


The transportive work of Vincent van Gogh has transposed us through the limits of time and into an era where Impressionist paintings were a statement to be made. While the artist himself may be of post-impressionism, he manages to capture the open composition of the movement perfectly.

Post Impressionism rejected the earlier movement’s limitations. However, they continued their usage of vivid colors through the thick applications of their brush on canvas. Geometric forms can often be spotted in the paintings as they can distort the real-life subject matters and create a more expressive silhouette.

Vincent van Gogh as one of the founders of Post-Impressionism

Through his swirling brush strokes, the artist would convey his feelings and his state of mind. His belief that there was a power behind nature made him try to capture it through his work. Therefore, he strove to become a painter of rural life and nature.

Sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh, 1887

His renditions of flowers are always symbolic in meaning where life is lived under the sun and work is an allegory of life. The color yellow is frequently present in his works to showcase life, God, and sunlight.

Van Gogh always aimed to stay within the «guise of reality» which gave his paintings an abstract form. However, he later wrote that at times he might have taken it too far, reality having been set as a background character and being heavily overshadowed by the protagonist: symbolism.

Cypresses by Vincent van Gogh, 1889

A collection of personality

He tried to build a personal collection that reflected his own views on reality and life, but one that could also be commercially successful, between 1885 and his death. His paintings, as such, contained an optimal use of color and brush strokes. However, his mistake was that he applied the idea of «purposeful» to paintings he had already finished instead of studies he could have taken to a whole new level.

«Cypresses» was painted in late June of 1889, when he began his year-long stay at the asylum in Saint-Rémy. He wanted to capture the big, tall trees that to him appeared as dark spots under the powerful sunlight.

The marvelous trees had gained ground in his other works after this. His painting «Wheat Field with Cypresses», which was painted in late June 1889, had been devoted to his stay at the asylum. He regarded that painting as one of his best summer works and had been determined to make two renditions of it: a smaller scale one which had been sent as a gift to his mother and sister, and a bigger one which can be found in the National Gallery, in London.

The stylistic captures of Vincent van Gogh

Each artistic development Van Gogh had gone through has been owed to his living across different places in Europe. He took to immersing himself in the local culture and activity, he judged and studied the lighting and implemented in his various paintings. His evolution had been slow, and he was acutely aware of his painterly limitations, yet he kept his individual outlook throughout each work.

He might have been pushed to move often as a coping mechanism when faced with the realities of his current situation, however, it also contributed to his development of his technical skill. Whenever he painted a portrait, he wanted them to endure through the passage of time and would use colors to capture the emotions of each person rather than aim for realism.

Shoes by Vincent van Gogh, 1888

Each new portrait reflected a varied style: from the beginning when he limited his palette and varied his brush strokes to the culmination of his career when he painted in a broad style and showed his frenzy through each work. The rough surface and use of a palette knife seem to have been the highest point in his work.

Vincent van Gogh’s sadness and loneliness had pushed him to try to take his own life. However, the attempt had been butchered, and he survived only to die of an infection that penetrated his body through the bullet wound. He had always tried to reflect his loneliness through his work, and he did so, beautifully.

Plate from “Scenographiae…” by Johannes van Doetecum


The transportive work of Vincent van Gogh has transposed us through the limits of time and into an era where Impressionist paintings were a statement to be made. While the artist himself may be of post-impressionism, he manages to capture the open composition of the movement perfectly.

Post Impressionism rejected the earlier movement’s limitations. However, they continued their usage of vivid colors through the thick applications of their brush on canvas. Geometric forms can often be spotted in the paintings as they can distort the real-life subject matters and create a more expressive silhouette.

Vincent van Gogh as one of the founders of Post-Impressionism

Through his swirling brush strokes, the artist would convey his feelings and his state of mind. His belief that there was a power behind nature made him try to capture it through his work. Therefore, he strove to become a painter of rural life and nature.

Sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh, 1887

His renditions of flowers are always symbolic in meaning where life is lived under the sun and work is an allegory of life. The color yellow is frequently present in his works to showcase life, God, and sunlight.

Van Gogh always aimed to stay within the «guise of reality» which gave his paintings an abstract form. However, he later wrote that at times he might have taken it too far, reality having been set as a background character and being heavily overshadowed by the protagonist: symbolism.

Cypresses by Vincent van Gogh, 1889

A collection of personality

He tried to build a personal collection that reflected his own views on reality and life, but one that could also be commercially successful, between 1885 and his death. His paintings, as such, contained an optimal use of color and brush strokes. However, his mistake was that he applied the idea of «purposeful» to paintings he had already finished instead of studies he could have taken to a whole new level.

«Cypresses» was painted in late June of 1889, when he began his year-long stay at the asylum in Saint-Rémy. He wanted to capture the big, tall trees that to him appeared as dark spots under the powerful sunlight.

The marvelous trees had gained ground in his other works after this. His painting «Wheat Field with Cypresses», which was painted in late June 1889, had been devoted to his stay at the asylum. He regarded that painting as one of his best summer works and had been determined to make two renditions of it: a smaller scale one which had been sent as a gift to his mother and sister, and a bigger one which can be found in the National Gallery, in London.

The stylistic captures of Vincent van Gogh

Each artistic development Van Gogh had gone through has been owed to his living across different places in Europe. He took to immersing himself in the local culture and activity, he judged and studied the lighting and implemented in his various paintings. His evolution had been slow, and he was acutely aware of his painterly limitations, yet he kept his individual outlook throughout each work.

He might have been pushed to move often as a coping mechanism when faced with the realities of his current situation, however, it also contributed to his development of his technical skill. Whenever he painted a portrait, he wanted them to endure through the passage of time and would use colors to capture the emotions of each person rather than aim for realism.

Shoes by Vincent van Gogh, 1888

Each new portrait reflected a varied style: from the beginning when he limited his palette and varied his brush strokes to the culmination of his career when he painted in a broad style and showed his frenzy through each work. The rough surface and use of a palette knife seem to have been the highest point in his work.

Vincent van Gogh’s sadness and loneliness had pushed him to try to take his own life. However, the attempt had been butchered, and he survived only to die of an infection that penetrated his body through the bullet wound. He had always tried to reflect his loneliness through his work, and he did so, beautifully.

Pastoral Landscape: The Roman Campagna by Claude Lorrain


The transportive work of Vincent van Gogh has transposed us through the limits of time and into an era where Impressionist paintings were a statement to be made. While the artist himself may be of post-impressionism, he manages to capture the open composition of the movement perfectly.

Post Impressionism rejected the earlier movement’s limitations. However, they continued their usage of vivid colors through the thick applications of their brush on canvas. Geometric forms can often be spotted in the paintings as they can distort the real-life subject matters and create a more expressive silhouette.

Vincent van Gogh as one of the founders of Post-Impressionism

Through his swirling brush strokes, the artist would convey his feelings and his state of mind. His belief that there was a power behind nature made him try to capture it through his work. Therefore, he strove to become a painter of rural life and nature.

Sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh, 1887

His renditions of flowers are always symbolic in meaning where life is lived under the sun and work is an allegory of life. The color yellow is frequently present in his works to showcase life, God, and sunlight.

Van Gogh always aimed to stay within the «guise of reality» which gave his paintings an abstract form. However, he later wrote that at times he might have taken it too far, reality having been set as a background character and being heavily overshadowed by the protagonist: symbolism.

Cypresses by Vincent van Gogh, 1889

A collection of personality

He tried to build a personal collection that reflected his own views on reality and life, but one that could also be commercially successful, between 1885 and his death. His paintings, as such, contained an optimal use of color and brush strokes. However, his mistake was that he applied the idea of «purposeful» to paintings he had already finished instead of studies he could have taken to a whole new level.

«Cypresses» was painted in late June of 1889, when he began his year-long stay at the asylum in Saint-Rémy. He wanted to capture the big, tall trees that to him appeared as dark spots under the powerful sunlight.

The marvelous trees had gained ground in his other works after this. His painting «Wheat Field with Cypresses», which was painted in late June 1889, had been devoted to his stay at the asylum. He regarded that painting as one of his best summer works and had been determined to make two renditions of it: a smaller scale one which had been sent as a gift to his mother and sister, and a bigger one which can be found in the National Gallery, in London.

The stylistic captures of Vincent van Gogh

Each artistic development Van Gogh had gone through has been owed to his living across different places in Europe. He took to immersing himself in the local culture and activity, he judged and studied the lighting and implemented in his various paintings. His evolution had been slow, and he was acutely aware of his painterly limitations, yet he kept his individual outlook throughout each work.

He might have been pushed to move often as a coping mechanism when faced with the realities of his current situation, however, it also contributed to his development of his technical skill. Whenever he painted a portrait, he wanted them to endure through the passage of time and would use colors to capture the emotions of each person rather than aim for realism.

Shoes by Vincent van Gogh, 1888

Each new portrait reflected a varied style: from the beginning when he limited his palette and varied his brush strokes to the culmination of his career when he painted in a broad style and showed his frenzy through each work. The rough surface and use of a palette knife seem to have been the highest point in his work.

Vincent van Gogh’s sadness and loneliness had pushed him to try to take his own life. However, the attempt had been butchered, and he survived only to die of an infection that penetrated his body through the bullet wound. He had always tried to reflect his loneliness through his work, and he did so, beautifully.

The Oberton from the South by Bernardo Bellotto, landscape


The transportive work of Vincent van Gogh has transposed us through the limits of time and into an era where Impressionist paintings were a statement to be made. While the artist himself may be of post-impressionism, he manages to capture the open composition of the movement perfectly.

Post Impressionism rejected the earlier movement’s limitations. However, they continued their usage of vivid colors through the thick applications of their brush on canvas. Geometric forms can often be spotted in the paintings as they can distort the real-life subject matters and create a more expressive silhouette.

Vincent van Gogh as one of the founders of Post-Impressionism

Through his swirling brush strokes, the artist would convey his feelings and his state of mind. His belief that there was a power behind nature made him try to capture it through his work. Therefore, he strove to become a painter of rural life and nature.

Sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh, 1887

His renditions of flowers are always symbolic in meaning where life is lived under the sun and work is an allegory of life. The color yellow is frequently present in his works to showcase life, God, and sunlight.

Van Gogh always aimed to stay within the «guise of reality» which gave his paintings an abstract form. However, he later wrote that at times he might have taken it too far, reality having been set as a background character and being heavily overshadowed by the protagonist: symbolism.

Cypresses by Vincent van Gogh, 1889

A collection of personality

He tried to build a personal collection that reflected his own views on reality and life, but one that could also be commercially successful, between 1885 and his death. His paintings, as such, contained an optimal use of color and brush strokes. However, his mistake was that he applied the idea of «purposeful» to paintings he had already finished instead of studies he could have taken to a whole new level.

«Cypresses» was painted in late June of 1889, when he began his year-long stay at the asylum in Saint-Rémy. He wanted to capture the big, tall trees that to him appeared as dark spots under the powerful sunlight.

The marvelous trees had gained ground in his other works after this. His painting «Wheat Field with Cypresses», which was painted in late June 1889, had been devoted to his stay at the asylum. He regarded that painting as one of his best summer works and had been determined to make two renditions of it: a smaller scale one which had been sent as a gift to his mother and sister, and a bigger one which can be found in the National Gallery, in London.

The stylistic captures of Vincent van Gogh

Each artistic development Van Gogh had gone through has been owed to his living across different places in Europe. He took to immersing himself in the local culture and activity, he judged and studied the lighting and implemented in his various paintings. His evolution had been slow, and he was acutely aware of his painterly limitations, yet he kept his individual outlook throughout each work.

He might have been pushed to move often as a coping mechanism when faced with the realities of his current situation, however, it also contributed to his development of his technical skill. Whenever he painted a portrait, he wanted them to endure through the passage of time and would use colors to capture the emotions of each person rather than aim for realism.

Shoes by Vincent van Gogh, 1888

Each new portrait reflected a varied style: from the beginning when he limited his palette and varied his brush strokes to the culmination of his career when he painted in a broad style and showed his frenzy through each work. The rough surface and use of a palette knife seem to have been the highest point in his work.

Vincent van Gogh’s sadness and loneliness had pushed him to try to take his own life. However, the attempt had been butchered, and he survived only to die of an infection that penetrated his body through the bullet wound. He had always tried to reflect his loneliness through his work, and he did so, beautifully.

Portrait: Lady Maria Conyngham by Sir Thomas Lawrence, canvas


The transportive work of Vincent van Gogh has transposed us through the limits of time and into an era where Impressionist paintings were a statement to be made. While the artist himself may be of post-impressionism, he manages to capture the open composition of the movement perfectly.

Post Impressionism rejected the earlier movement’s limitations. However, they continued their usage of vivid colors through the thick applications of their brush on canvas. Geometric forms can often be spotted in the paintings as they can distort the real-life subject matters and create a more expressive silhouette.

Vincent van Gogh as one of the founders of Post-Impressionism

Through his swirling brush strokes, the artist would convey his feelings and his state of mind. His belief that there was a power behind nature made him try to capture it through his work. Therefore, he strove to become a painter of rural life and nature.

Sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh, 1887

His renditions of flowers are always symbolic in meaning where life is lived under the sun and work is an allegory of life. The color yellow is frequently present in his works to showcase life, God, and sunlight.

Van Gogh always aimed to stay within the «guise of reality» which gave his paintings an abstract form. However, he later wrote that at times he might have taken it too far, reality having been set as a background character and being heavily overshadowed by the protagonist: symbolism.

Cypresses by Vincent van Gogh, 1889

A collection of personality

He tried to build a personal collection that reflected his own views on reality and life, but one that could also be commercially successful, between 1885 and his death. His paintings, as such, contained an optimal use of color and brush strokes. However, his mistake was that he applied the idea of «purposeful» to paintings he had already finished instead of studies he could have taken to a whole new level.

«Cypresses» was painted in late June of 1889, when he began his year-long stay at the asylum in Saint-Rémy. He wanted to capture the big, tall trees that to him appeared as dark spots under the powerful sunlight.

The marvelous trees had gained ground in his other works after this. His painting «Wheat Field with Cypresses», which was painted in late June 1889, had been devoted to his stay at the asylum. He regarded that painting as one of his best summer works and had been determined to make two renditions of it: a smaller scale one which had been sent as a gift to his mother and sister, and a bigger one which can be found in the National Gallery, in London.

The stylistic captures of Vincent van Gogh

Each artistic development Van Gogh had gone through has been owed to his living across different places in Europe. He took to immersing himself in the local culture and activity, he judged and studied the lighting and implemented in his various paintings. His evolution had been slow, and he was acutely aware of his painterly limitations, yet he kept his individual outlook throughout each work.

He might have been pushed to move often as a coping mechanism when faced with the realities of his current situation, however, it also contributed to his development of his technical skill. Whenever he painted a portrait, he wanted them to endure through the passage of time and would use colors to capture the emotions of each person rather than aim for realism.

Shoes by Vincent van Gogh, 1888

Each new portrait reflected a varied style: from the beginning when he limited his palette and varied his brush strokes to the culmination of his career when he painted in a broad style and showed his frenzy through each work. The rough surface and use of a palette knife seem to have been the highest point in his work.

Vincent van Gogh’s sadness and loneliness had pushed him to try to take his own life. However, the attempt had been butchered, and he survived only to die of an infection that penetrated his body through the bullet wound. He had always tried to reflect his loneliness through his work, and he did so, beautifully.

Red Sunset on the Dnieper by Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi, russian artist


The transportive work of Vincent van Gogh has transposed us through the limits of time and into an era where Impressionist paintings were a statement to be made. While the artist himself may be of post-impressionism, he manages to capture the open composition of the movement perfectly.

Post Impressionism rejected the earlier movement’s limitations. However, they continued their usage of vivid colors through the thick applications of their brush on canvas. Geometric forms can often be spotted in the paintings as they can distort the real-life subject matters and create a more expressive silhouette.

Vincent van Gogh as one of the founders of Post-Impressionism

Through his swirling brush strokes, the artist would convey his feelings and his state of mind. His belief that there was a power behind nature made him try to capture it through his work. Therefore, he strove to become a painter of rural life and nature.

Sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh, 1887

His renditions of flowers are always symbolic in meaning where life is lived under the sun and work is an allegory of life. The color yellow is frequently present in his works to showcase life, God, and sunlight.

Van Gogh always aimed to stay within the «guise of reality» which gave his paintings an abstract form. However, he later wrote that at times he might have taken it too far, reality having been set as a background character and being heavily overshadowed by the protagonist: symbolism.

Cypresses by Vincent van Gogh, 1889

A collection of personality

He tried to build a personal collection that reflected his own views on reality and life, but one that could also be commercially successful, between 1885 and his death. His paintings, as such, contained an optimal use of color and brush strokes. However, his mistake was that he applied the idea of «purposeful» to paintings he had already finished instead of studies he could have taken to a whole new level.

«Cypresses» was painted in late June of 1889, when he began his year-long stay at the asylum in Saint-Rémy. He wanted to capture the big, tall trees that to him appeared as dark spots under the powerful sunlight.

The marvelous trees had gained ground in his other works after this. His painting «Wheat Field with Cypresses», which was painted in late June 1889, had been devoted to his stay at the asylum. He regarded that painting as one of his best summer works and had been determined to make two renditions of it: a smaller scale one which had been sent as a gift to his mother and sister, and a bigger one which can be found in the National Gallery, in London.

The stylistic captures of Vincent van Gogh

Each artistic development Van Gogh had gone through has been owed to his living across different places in Europe. He took to immersing himself in the local culture and activity, he judged and studied the lighting and implemented in his various paintings. His evolution had been slow, and he was acutely aware of his painterly limitations, yet he kept his individual outlook throughout each work.

He might have been pushed to move often as a coping mechanism when faced with the realities of his current situation, however, it also contributed to his development of his technical skill. Whenever he painted a portrait, he wanted them to endure through the passage of time and would use colors to capture the emotions of each person rather than aim for realism.

Shoes by Vincent van Gogh, 1888

Each new portrait reflected a varied style: from the beginning when he limited his palette and varied his brush strokes to the culmination of his career when he painted in a broad style and showed his frenzy through each work. The rough surface and use of a palette knife seem to have been the highest point in his work.

Vincent van Gogh’s sadness and loneliness had pushed him to try to take his own life. However, the attempt had been butchered, and he survived only to die of an infection that penetrated his body through the bullet wound. He had always tried to reflect his loneliness through his work, and he did so, beautifully.

Charles-François Daubigny, life, works, and inspiration


The transportive work of Vincent van Gogh has transposed us through the limits of time and into an era where Impressionist paintings were a statement to be made. While the artist himself may be of post-impressionism, he manages to capture the open composition of the movement perfectly.

Post Impressionism rejected the earlier movement’s limitations. However, they continued their usage of vivid colors through the thick applications of their brush on canvas. Geometric forms can often be spotted in the paintings as they can distort the real-life subject matters and create a more expressive silhouette.

Vincent van Gogh as one of the founders of Post-Impressionism

Through his swirling brush strokes, the artist would convey his feelings and his state of mind. His belief that there was a power behind nature made him try to capture it through his work. Therefore, he strove to become a painter of rural life and nature.

Sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh, 1887

His renditions of flowers are always symbolic in meaning where life is lived under the sun and work is an allegory of life. The color yellow is frequently present in his works to showcase life, God, and sunlight.

Van Gogh always aimed to stay within the «guise of reality» which gave his paintings an abstract form. However, he later wrote that at times he might have taken it too far, reality having been set as a background character and being heavily overshadowed by the protagonist: symbolism.

Cypresses by Vincent van Gogh, 1889

A collection of personality

He tried to build a personal collection that reflected his own views on reality and life, but one that could also be commercially successful, between 1885 and his death. His paintings, as such, contained an optimal use of color and brush strokes. However, his mistake was that he applied the idea of «purposeful» to paintings he had already finished instead of studies he could have taken to a whole new level.

«Cypresses» was painted in late June of 1889, when he began his year-long stay at the asylum in Saint-Rémy. He wanted to capture the big, tall trees that to him appeared as dark spots under the powerful sunlight.

The marvelous trees had gained ground in his other works after this. His painting «Wheat Field with Cypresses», which was painted in late June 1889, had been devoted to his stay at the asylum. He regarded that painting as one of his best summer works and had been determined to make two renditions of it: a smaller scale one which had been sent as a gift to his mother and sister, and a bigger one which can be found in the National Gallery, in London.

The stylistic captures of Vincent van Gogh

Each artistic development Van Gogh had gone through has been owed to his living across different places in Europe. He took to immersing himself in the local culture and activity, he judged and studied the lighting and implemented in his various paintings. His evolution had been slow, and he was acutely aware of his painterly limitations, yet he kept his individual outlook throughout each work.

He might have been pushed to move often as a coping mechanism when faced with the realities of his current situation, however, it also contributed to his development of his technical skill. Whenever he painted a portrait, he wanted them to endure through the passage of time and would use colors to capture the emotions of each person rather than aim for realism.

Shoes by Vincent van Gogh, 1888

Each new portrait reflected a varied style: from the beginning when he limited his palette and varied his brush strokes to the culmination of his career when he painted in a broad style and showed his frenzy through each work. The rough surface and use of a palette knife seem to have been the highest point in his work.

Vincent van Gogh’s sadness and loneliness had pushed him to try to take his own life. However, the attempt had been butchered, and he survived only to die of an infection that penetrated his body through the bullet wound. He had always tried to reflect his loneliness through his work, and he did so, beautifully.

Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C. and its exhibitions


The transportive work of Vincent van Gogh has transposed us through the limits of time and into an era where Impressionist paintings were a statement to be made. While the artist himself may be of post-impressionism, he manages to capture the open composition of the movement perfectly.

Post Impressionism rejected the earlier movement’s limitations. However, they continued their usage of vivid colors through the thick applications of their brush on canvas. Geometric forms can often be spotted in the paintings as they can distort the real-life subject matters and create a more expressive silhouette.

Vincent van Gogh as one of the founders of Post-Impressionism

Through his swirling brush strokes, the artist would convey his feelings and his state of mind. His belief that there was a power behind nature made him try to capture it through his work. Therefore, he strove to become a painter of rural life and nature.

Sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh, 1887

His renditions of flowers are always symbolic in meaning where life is lived under the sun and work is an allegory of life. The color yellow is frequently present in his works to showcase life, God, and sunlight.

Van Gogh always aimed to stay within the «guise of reality» which gave his paintings an abstract form. However, he later wrote that at times he might have taken it too far, reality having been set as a background character and being heavily overshadowed by the protagonist: symbolism.

Cypresses by Vincent van Gogh, 1889

A collection of personality

He tried to build a personal collection that reflected his own views on reality and life, but one that could also be commercially successful, between 1885 and his death. His paintings, as such, contained an optimal use of color and brush strokes. However, his mistake was that he applied the idea of «purposeful» to paintings he had already finished instead of studies he could have taken to a whole new level.

«Cypresses» was painted in late June of 1889, when he began his year-long stay at the asylum in Saint-Rémy. He wanted to capture the big, tall trees that to him appeared as dark spots under the powerful sunlight.

The marvelous trees had gained ground in his other works after this. His painting «Wheat Field with Cypresses», which was painted in late June 1889, had been devoted to his stay at the asylum. He regarded that painting as one of his best summer works and had been determined to make two renditions of it: a smaller scale one which had been sent as a gift to his mother and sister, and a bigger one which can be found in the National Gallery, in London.

The stylistic captures of Vincent van Gogh

Each artistic development Van Gogh had gone through has been owed to his living across different places in Europe. He took to immersing himself in the local culture and activity, he judged and studied the lighting and implemented in his various paintings. His evolution had been slow, and he was acutely aware of his painterly limitations, yet he kept his individual outlook throughout each work.

He might have been pushed to move often as a coping mechanism when faced with the realities of his current situation, however, it also contributed to his development of his technical skill. Whenever he painted a portrait, he wanted them to endure through the passage of time and would use colors to capture the emotions of each person rather than aim for realism.

Shoes by Vincent van Gogh, 1888

Each new portrait reflected a varied style: from the beginning when he limited his palette and varied his brush strokes to the culmination of his career when he painted in a broad style and showed his frenzy through each work. The rough surface and use of a palette knife seem to have been the highest point in his work.

Vincent van Gogh’s sadness and loneliness had pushed him to try to take his own life. However, the attempt had been butchered, and he survived only to die of an infection that penetrated his body through the bullet wound. He had always tried to reflect his loneliness through his work, and he did so, beautifully.

Albert Anker, the “national painter” of Switzerland, and his works


The transportive work of Vincent van Gogh has transposed us through the limits of time and into an era where Impressionist paintings were a statement to be made. While the artist himself may be of post-impressionism, he manages to capture the open composition of the movement perfectly.

Post Impressionism rejected the earlier movement’s limitations. However, they continued their usage of vivid colors through the thick applications of their brush on canvas. Geometric forms can often be spotted in the paintings as they can distort the real-life subject matters and create a more expressive silhouette.

Vincent van Gogh as one of the founders of Post-Impressionism

Through his swirling brush strokes, the artist would convey his feelings and his state of mind. His belief that there was a power behind nature made him try to capture it through his work. Therefore, he strove to become a painter of rural life and nature.

Sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh, 1887

His renditions of flowers are always symbolic in meaning where life is lived under the sun and work is an allegory of life. The color yellow is frequently present in his works to showcase life, God, and sunlight.

Van Gogh always aimed to stay within the «guise of reality» which gave his paintings an abstract form. However, he later wrote that at times he might have taken it too far, reality having been set as a background character and being heavily overshadowed by the protagonist: symbolism.

Cypresses by Vincent van Gogh, 1889

A collection of personality

He tried to build a personal collection that reflected his own views on reality and life, but one that could also be commercially successful, between 1885 and his death. His paintings, as such, contained an optimal use of color and brush strokes. However, his mistake was that he applied the idea of «purposeful» to paintings he had already finished instead of studies he could have taken to a whole new level.

«Cypresses» was painted in late June of 1889, when he began his year-long stay at the asylum in Saint-Rémy. He wanted to capture the big, tall trees that to him appeared as dark spots under the powerful sunlight.

The marvelous trees had gained ground in his other works after this. His painting «Wheat Field with Cypresses», which was painted in late June 1889, had been devoted to his stay at the asylum. He regarded that painting as one of his best summer works and had been determined to make two renditions of it: a smaller scale one which had been sent as a gift to his mother and sister, and a bigger one which can be found in the National Gallery, in London.

The stylistic captures of Vincent van Gogh

Each artistic development Van Gogh had gone through has been owed to his living across different places in Europe. He took to immersing himself in the local culture and activity, he judged and studied the lighting and implemented in his various paintings. His evolution had been slow, and he was acutely aware of his painterly limitations, yet he kept his individual outlook throughout each work.

He might have been pushed to move often as a coping mechanism when faced with the realities of his current situation, however, it also contributed to his development of his technical skill. Whenever he painted a portrait, he wanted them to endure through the passage of time and would use colors to capture the emotions of each person rather than aim for realism.

Shoes by Vincent van Gogh, 1888

Each new portrait reflected a varied style: from the beginning when he limited his palette and varied his brush strokes to the culmination of his career when he painted in a broad style and showed his frenzy through each work. The rough surface and use of a palette knife seem to have been the highest point in his work.

Vincent van Gogh’s sadness and loneliness had pushed him to try to take his own life. However, the attempt had been butchered, and he survived only to die of an infection that penetrated his body through the bullet wound. He had always tried to reflect his loneliness through his work, and he did so, beautifully.